February 2021
We, the undersigned officials, having been duly and constitutionally elected by our constituents, along with community leaders, citizens, and local job providers, declare that something must change.
Since March 2020, the administration in Lansing has responded to the coronavirus pandemic by overstepping and infringing on protections guaranteed to all American citizens by the Constitution. A 15-day lockdown first implemented with the goal of ensuring our State had adequate medical resources in place has now remained in place to varying degrees for more than 10 months. These restrictions, often explained and implemented in a confusing and unjustifiable piecemeal manner, have hurt many while favoring others and have moved the goalposts from the original intent of preventing the overloading of our medical system, to now the unrealistic goal of complete elimination of the virus altogether.
The People of the State of Michigan have endured unprecedented restrictions and hardships all based on the unknown, which has never been the historical convention of this country. As a result, individual freedoms have been abridged. We are being told what we can do and cannot do, what to wear, how many people are allowed in our homes, how to best care for ourselves, businesses have been destroyed, families have suffered financially, fear has been spread and division in our society has occurred. Students have had their educational progress hampered and have been deprived of in-person instruction, graduation, athletic and other special events. The elderly and infirm have been isolated to die alone. The cure has been worse than the disease and more irrevocable damage will occur if we do not change course.
As elected officials and community leaders, many of us have taken an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America. The governor has blatantly disregarded and intentionally sidestepped the rulings of the Michigan Supreme Court and our constitutionally protected legislative process. This has been evidenced by the strong-armed tactics and threats by the governor, MIOSHA and MDHHS to carry out further unconstitutional actions thereby causing the continued unreasonable restraints upon the rights of the citizens of this State. Because of this, we must hereby honor the constitutional judgment and intent of the Michigan Supreme Court and further insist that all legislation and mandates are afforded due legislative process. Moreover, legislation passed by our legislators must remain within the bounds of the Constitution, and our legislators have a duty to fix the laws currently on the books that step outside of constitutional bounds.
We cannot in good faith, as representatives and advocates for the people of our communities, be silent in the face of the continued harm to our families, businesses, schools, churches and communities. Our citizens’ rights to assemble, to freely practice their religion, to travel, to keep their property, businesses and jobs must no longer be swept aside. The Constitution must rule in all cases and apply in ALL times, regardless of the situation or agenda and NEVER be set aside again in this great State of Michigan. It is time, as the leaders of this community, we come together for a common cause and let our unified, non-violent voice be heard. THIS, is what the United States of America is all about.
Sign the letter below to add your voice to this powerful message.
Please Note: This page displays the people who signed in our county. Many more have signed across the State of Michigan!
Luke Meerman
State Representative, 88th District
Hudsonville, MI
Roger Victory
State Senator, 30th District
Hudsonville, MI
Kyle Terpstra
Ottawa County Commissioner District 6
Hudsonville, MI
Ryan Kidd
Georgetown Township Clerk
Georgetown Township, Michigan
Michael Bosch
Georgetown Township Treasurer
Jenison, MI
Katherine Henry
Georgetown Twp Trustee, State Committeewoman 2nd Cong. Dist., Constitutional Attorney
Hudsonville, Michigan
Jim Wierenga
Georgetown Township Supervisor
Georgetown Township, Michigan
Kevin Peters
Blendon Township Supervisor
Hudsonville, Michigan
Ted Costigan
Polkton Township Supervisor
Coopersville, Michigan
Dave Datema
Tallmadge Township Supervisor
Tallmadge, MI
Mark Reenders
Grand Haven Charter Township Supervisor
Grand Haven, Michigan
Gary Meerman
Chester Township Supervisor
Chester Township, Michigan
Michael Smith
We The County, Founder
Sanilac County, Michigan
Mark Northrup
Hudsonville City Mayor
Hudsonville, MI
David Agema
Former State Rep and RNC Member
Kent County, Michigan
Fred & Marcia Hulst
Hulst Heating & Cooling
Candy Kraker
Allendale Charter Township Trustee
Allendale, MI
Greg Todd
Attorney, Business Owner
Grand Haven, MI
Joe Moss
Business Owner
Hudsonville, MI
View the original letter (PDF)